Electric Car Mendomotive Who?
<img src=”http://i664.photobucket.com/albums/vv5/pithoff/th_battery-bank.jpg” align=”left”> Electric Car Mendomotive was a company that back in the mid to late 90’s converted gasoline cars into electric cars. The concept of what they were doing was on the money but I think they were a little ahead of their time.
In these economic times that we find ourselves living in now days however, it’s best to do the conversion from a gasoline engine to a DC motor yourself rather than paying a company like Electric Car Mendomotive to do it for you. I am finding many people looking for ways to save money by taking on projects that they would have in other years contracted out to a company like Electric Car Mendomotive. My idea is that if I am able to save funds and at the same time help the earth, better yet.
A combustible fuel engine to electric motor vehicle conversion probably sounds hard but the idea is quite simple. You take the engine and most of all the parts related to gas engineout and replace some but not all of them.
For instance, by using an electric motor to power your vehicle you don’t need a fuel tank, bulky combustible fuel burning engine, or an exhaust system. You do though need an electric motor, a converter, and batteries. You will also require a charger for your batteries.
Now even though this electric vehicle conversion sounds expensive and hard it really is not as horrible as you might imagine. It’s possible to complete the switch even if you are not mechanically gifted. It is much simpler than working on a gasoline engine. There are a lot less moving parts involved, which translates into less things that can go wrong and fewer repairs.
Now for the price, it also isn’t that awful. You will be able to locate parts that you will require either for free or at a minimal price. Often times the whole electric car conversion can be completed for less than one thousand dollars. Electric car conversions are a great and timely concept, not to mention a green and earth friendly project.
If you would be interested in knowing more about the needed parts, which types of vehicles convert best, and where to get used parts you can start your electric vehicle conversion education at: http://www.squidoo.com/electriccarmendomotive